About this website
The current design of this website is determined by an algorithm. It uses live weather and astronomy data from our location in Oxford, UK to create a unique & unrepeatable composition.
The wind speed is 5mph, so the typography is a little bit distorted.
It's 05:40 – this determines the primary colour and the position of the gradient, and because it's daylight the colour is light rather than dark. Today's date, the 24th of January 2025 causes the contrast to shift and the gradient is rotated too. The gradient is also affected by sunrise at 07:58 and sunset at 16:35.
The UV index is 0.3 so the colours are not very saturated.
The condition is Rain so the composition is very blurry, the gradient is darker and less saturated. There's a 75% cloud layer to match the sky.
This website was designed by Jake Dow-Smith Studio.

Journal — August 2021

Artist’s Talk by Eleanor Greenhalgh Aug 14 // Poetry Readings by JC Niala + guests Aug-Sept 2021

Fig commissioned artists share their work-in-progress in a series of events at the Fig growing sites on Elder Stubbs Allotments. Booking essential – follow links below for tickets.  

JC Niala – 1918 Allotment  – Poetry Readings

6pm >> 25th Aug, 2021. w/ Laura Theis

3pm >> 4th Sept, 2021. w/ Dr. Yewande Okuleye

3pm >> 5th Sept, 2021.

During the summer of 2021 JC Niala has cultivated a 1918 style allotment, creating a space to reflect upon the relationships between Spanish Flu, COVID-19, and World War One.  Join Niala and special guests for a unique series of poetry readings and discussion events on the site.

Eleanor Greenhalgh – Elder Vernacular – Artist’s Talk

3pm >> 14th Aug, 2021

Join Eleanor Greenhalgh for a short talk introducing her project developing a palette of materials grounded in the East Oxford landscape. Also see the beginnings of the artists’ garden, where we are collaborating with Greenhalgh growing plants for paper and dye making.

Book tickets for JC Niala events here

Book tickets for Eleanor Greenhalgh event here

[Note: for JC Niala event meet at main entrance to Elder Stubbs opposite Florence Park car park. For Eleanor Greenhalgh talk meet at the entrance on Bhandari Close.]

For further info contact: info@fig.studio

1918 Allotment – Guest Speaker Biographies

Dr. Yewande Okuleye’s interdisciplinary practice in health humanities, science and qualitative research design, investigates methods and systems which reveal and recover overlooked, misrepresented, and forgotten histories. This praxis is informed by Audre Lorde’s call for us “to speak truth to power,” to activate civic empowerment. Yewande invokes art, music, poetry, and performance, as channels, to encourage discussions about power, representation, and change.

Laura Theis grew up in Germany and writes poems, stories and songs in her second language. She is the author of ‘how to extricate yourself’ (Dempsey&Windle) which was selected as the winner of the 2020 Brian Dempsey Memorial Pamphlet Prize. Her work has been widely anthologised, and appears in journals such as Rattle, Strange Horizons and Mslexia.  An AM Heath Prize recipient and Elgin Award nominee, she has also won the Hammond House International Literary Award and the 2020 Mogford Short Story Prize. 

See JC Niala and Eleanor Greenhalgh’s project pages below for their biographies and further info.